
Aerobic Septic System Repairs

The invention of the aerobic septic system for residential properties is by far the most common and newest septic innovation in the last 20+ years. It allows homeowners who live in areas where there may not be enough space on the property for a conventional septic system with a adequate sized lateral field or where the available land may not perk well enough to sustain the use of a conventional septic system far a home comfortably.

For instants if someone has a very small lot but has a conventional septic system and the system calls for X amount of feet of lateral lines, then that particular piece of property may be too small to install an adequate conventional septic system with a lateral field. In that case an aerobic system may be the only alternative if there is no city sewer near for the home to connect to.

The other reason may be the area that the residence is located in may have a soil profile that contains lots of clay soil which doesn’t absorbed the affluent water well enough but does the opposite and holds water. They’re could also be a high water table in that area that for part of the year may contain too much water in the ground that could still over into the drainage field taking a burn necessary space for the homes in fluent water. This will cause back ups and other drainage issues for a conventional septic system. And this case and aerobic system would be the answer for that particular circumstance. The aerobic system does not rely on the soils ability to absorb water but instead the aerobic system will disperse the affluent water with the way it’s designed by spraying the water on top of the ground for evaporation regardless of the soil‘s profile. Places where there is a high water table would not affect The functioning of the aerobic system ability to dispersed the affluent water because of the spraying design of the system. No matter how much it rains when the aerobic systems ejector pump is in activation mode it will pump the water from the tank and causes the water level to never be dictated by ground the weather.

The aerobic system has a lot of different components and operating systems that causes the unit to work very specifically. There are electrical components throughout the system that causes an aerobic system to work and function in a very precise way. In order for the aerobic system to perform and consistently be reliable, regular maintenance is a very important factor. You have pumps and motors that overtime will wear down and need to be replaced.

This is why it is important to find a service provider to monitor and maintain the system to prevent premature and unnecessary breakdowns. The aerobic ejector pump is one of the most important components of your aerobic system. There for it is highly important to have your pump tank cleaned out once every two years and two routinely have your ejector pump pulled out, serviced and manually cleaned of any debris that may be lodged or blocking complete water flow through the intake of your ejector pump. Blockages from trash or extreme sludge can cause unnecessary wear and tear on your ejector pump and eventually cost you money on unnecessary repairs and breakdowns.



It’s also necessary to service your compressor periodically . Your compressor also known as the aerator serves as a vital part of an aerobic septic system process. This is where the aerobic system gets its name from. Its job is to introduce air into the system by aerating the affluent water which creates a aerobic bacteria that kills the sewer smell. The air treatment unit is one compartment that is split into two chambers . One side of the chamber is where the oxygen is introduced into the system and the other side of the chamber is where the aerobic bacteria or what we here at Milty’s Boys Septic call flock is built up and stored.


Air Treatment Unit:

The air treatment unit / ATU chamber is the least pumped out part of your aerobic system. The bacteria in this portion of you aerobic system is vital and needed and takes time to build up! There for it dose not need to be serviced nearly as often as it’s counter parts, the trash tank and pump tank. In a standard concrete aerobic tank there is usually one access port for the aeration chamber of the air treatment unit and one access port for the bacteria / flock build up chamber of the air treatment unit . The bacteria / flock chamber is the side that is recommended to check the flock level and if it needs to be serviced and pumped down. Over time it will get very thick and stiff and will need to be pumped out. Service time on the air treatment unit can range any where between 4 to 8 years depending on how much use the system is processing through it.



The chlorination and sterilization process is usually the most overlooked process of the aerobic system. But this is one of the most vital processes when it comes to keeping humans and pets safe from harmful bacteria thats connected to waste water not being properly treated.

Because the aerobic system works through sprinkler heads that spray the water on top of the ground where pets and humans normally frequent it is necessary to sterilize and kill any bacteria that is contained in the water being dispersed on top of the ground. Aerobic systems of today normally use septic rated chlorine tablets to sterilize the water or liquid chlorine system to kill and sterilize the water from all harmful bacteria. When homeowners overlook this step they can put love ones at risk for sickness.


Tablet chlorinators:

Tablet chlorinators work by allowing the water coming into the pump tank to pass over the chlorine tablets which kill and sterilize the water passing over it before it’s dumped into the pump tank in preparation to be ejected through the sprinkler systems. It’s important to never use swimming pool tablets in your aerobic system because the chlorine continent is much higher and will cause the components of the aerobic system to begin to corrode. There are numerous places to purchase septic chlorine tablets, Walmart, Amazon and some local hardware stores. It’s good to store these in a dry environment. Depending on the families use of water , 1 to 3 tablets a month should suffice and be adequate for most families.

Liquid chlorinator systems are becoming the new norm for most aerobic systems being built nowadays. This system introduces the liquid chlorine into the affluent water every time the sprinkler pump is engaged and mixes the chlorine with the water as it is being dispersed on top of the ground. It is far easier to find chlorine to put into these systems due to the fact that all you need is liquid bleach. You can use any dollar store liquid bleach except for any type of concentrated bleach or splash free. Concentrated bleach is too thick and will clog up the chlorination system and stop your chlorine from moving through the system as it is designed to do and can cause costly damage, unwanted repairs and break down.