Pump Out Septic Tanks
One of the most important but surprisingly overlooked necessities of a septic system is having your septic tank pumped out. How often you should have your septic tank pumped out will vary. The determining factors are what type of septic system you have, what size of septic system you have, how old your septic system may be and how much and how often your septic system is being used. For more modern homes depending on the state you live in do you have generally a 1000 gallon capacity septic tank. This is when it comes to conventional septic tanks. A conventional septic tank is classified when the disbursement of the additional fluid usage is dispersed through lateral lines. Also known as an anaerobic system. Anaerobic septic systems break down inside the tank and basically treat it self versus the counter part or called a anaerobic septic system. I in older homes built before the 1970s it was common to install 300 to 500 gallon systems septic tanks. And very few modern systems do we see this size septic tank installed for residential properties due to new regulations.
On 1000 gallon conventional septic tank it is recommended to have it pumped out every 2 to 5 years depending on the size of the family occupying the residence. Also the amount of use for that particular residence will help very how often you need to service it. If this particular property is high in traffic say for entertainment purposes then you would probably be closer to the two-year mark. But if you have a family of four with very low visitation from others then you may be closer to the four or five year service period. if you have a 500 gallon capacity tank you would want to cut this service frequency by half. So it’s very helpful to know what size septic system you have and you can normally answer this question when you’re service professional shows up to service your septic system. By going to long without pumping your septic system can result in catastrophic damage to your laterals and extreme buildup in the septic tank that could eventually cause dread it and unwanted sewage back ups into the home. And no one who has had that happen wants to experience it again neither experience it for a first time. Therefore it’s very necessary to have your septic tank pumped out regularly according to your usage.
If you happen to live in a home that has an aerobic system then your pumping frequency is different. We at Milty’s Boys Septic recommend you have your aerobic systems trash tank and pump tank pumped out once every two years. The trash tank on an aerobic system usually ranges from 350 to 450 gallons. And that is a considerable less amount of space that you have to work with compared to a conventional septic tank. And aerobic septic system consist of three individual compartments usually built into one tank. It is basically a mini waste water treatment plant. The first chamber holds all the solids that come into the tank. And the additional affluent water is allowed to load into the next chamber that is called the air treatment unit or a to youth chain. This is where the aerobic system gets its name because in this compartment there is air introduced into the system that creates a bacteria that kills the smell so that the septic system doesn’t have the odor that is common to sewage waste water treatment plants are known for. This produces a thick sludge that builds up in the far compartment of the air treatment unit chamber and in time will get extremely thick and at that point it should be pumped down. This chamber only needs to be pumped out every 6 to 8 years.
The next part of the aerobic process is the Chlorination and sterilization of the affluent water. Some aerobic systems have a tablet chlorinator in which case you will need to add 1 to 3 tablets per month in order to sterilize the affluent water that will be sprayed through your system. Other systems have a liquid chlorination unit that uses regular bleach to mix in with the water during the activation of the ejector pump. And it’s important to know that when you have a liquid chlorinator you never want to use the concentrated or splash free version of bleach in the system. Splash free bleach or concentrated bleach is too thick to move through the system and will eventually clog up this system and calls your chlorinator to need expensive repairs. You should fill the liquid chlorinator up to the 1/8” hose going out of the side of the chlorination housing tube every month. This makes the water safe and not harmful to humans and pets. If water is not sterilized then it can cause health issues to pets and humans as well.
After the sterilization process the water flows into the final chamber of the aerobic system. This chamber is called the pump tank. In this part of the process only the water and small portions of the sludge buildup from the air treatment unit flows into this tank. It is the buildup of the sludge that causes this chamber to need to be pumped out once every two years. The ejector pump inside the pump tank is designed to move water only. But over time the buildup of the sludge if not serviced and pumped out, will begin to be removed along side with the water. This causes the pump to work harder than it’s designed and will eventually cause on wanted and unnecessary wear and tear on that pump. The ejector pump normally last from anywhere from three years to an average of seven years. In some cases where there may be one or two elderly couples who don’t use much water at all, it’s not unheard of for those pumps to last several more years. We recommend that every two years you have this pump tank pump down and washed out with a water hose to wash out as much of the sludge residue as possible to keep sludge level from overwhelming the ejector pump.